郭慧玲, 乔蕊, 杨俊. 缺帧环境下车牌图像的三维重建模型仿真[J]. 微电子学与计算机, 2015, 32(2): 110-114.
引用本文: 郭慧玲, 乔蕊, 杨俊. 缺帧环境下车牌图像的三维重建模型仿真[J]. 微电子学与计算机, 2015, 32(2): 110-114.
GUO Hui-ling, QIAO Rui, YANG Jun. Simulation Model of 3D Reconstruction of License Plate Image in Missing Frame Environment[J]. Microelectronics & Computer, 2015, 32(2): 110-114.
Citation: GUO Hui-ling, QIAO Rui, YANG Jun. Simulation Model of 3D Reconstruction of License Plate Image in Missing Frame Environment[J]. Microelectronics & Computer, 2015, 32(2): 110-114.


Simulation Model of 3D Reconstruction of License Plate Image in Missing Frame Environment

  • 摘要: 提出一种基于空间亮度均衡化平滑和曲线分割的缺帧环境下车牌图像的三维重建模型.根据缺帧环境车辆外接轮廓矩形模型,提取遮挡车辆分割线,进行空间亮度均衡化处理,对遮挡车牌进行曲线分割,增强三维重建的车牌图像色调和饱和度.通过增强图像的明暗对比度,对高频信号进行抑制和阻截,实现图像的平滑处理,采用曲线分割算法,对图像进行二值化分割,对分割后的车辆部分做杂质去除,得到完整独立的车辆区域,实现缺帧环境下的车牌图像三维重建改进.


    Abstract: A model of three-dimensional reconstruction of license plate image is proposed in lack frame environment based on brightness space equalization smoothing and curve segmentation. According to the shortage of frame vehicle environmental external contour rectangular model, extract the occlusion vehicle line segmentation, spatial luminance equalization processing, for shielding plate curve segmentation of license plate image, and enhance the hue and saturation of 3D reconstruction. Through the enhancement of image contrast and interdiction, the high frequency signal, realize smooth image processing is taken, using the curve segmentation algorithm for image of two value segmentation, the impurity removal after segmentation of vehicle parts is obtained, get the vehicle area complete independence, realize the lack of 3D reconstruction of license plate image frame environment improvement.


